Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Bolivian Election Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Bolivian Election - Research Paper Example NGOs in emerging democracies are typically funded by non-governmental outsides sources, such as foreign aid or private donors. However, it is possible for an NGO to be partially or even fully government funded. It is important to note that Bolivia became a democratically elected government in 1982. In the first stages of its democracy Bolivia had a very centralized national government, and along with it came much corruption and a general unhappiness of its citizens with democracy. However, in 1994 much of the central power devolved to the local municipalities including the appropriations of funds. This act is known as the Law of Popular Participation. During these times NGOs preformed a vital role in the cross over to the new system. They were often consulted in planning, helped with organization, and educated citizens about the new system (Boulding 461). The article sets out to examine how NGOs can effect political participation in emerging or weak democracies. (Boulding 456) states that NGOs can promote political activity of a country by providing resources, and by making available opportunities for association. When an NGO provides resources to a community, they have the ability to make citizen political participation easier. ... "NGOs, whether they are providing small business training, lobbying for women’s' or indigenous rights, providing health care, or building houses, all involve local interaction between NGO workers, neighbors, and others in the community. By spending time together, talking, and working toward a common project, people (Boulding 456). As evidenced in the previous elections, Bolivia often experience violent elections dating back to 1980s when the country was identified to be politically emotional due to poor leadership and the desire of the incumbent government to rig elections causing uncalled for animosity in the country. The huge funds donated by Europe and the United States since 1980s for the sole purpose of strengthening democracy for instance; through promoting the involvement of civil society in ensuring that peaceful election process. The fruitless efforts necessitated the desire to act on the issues which lead to post election violence so that the problem could be solved permanently through embracing peace and reconciliation (Boulding 456). However, in order to determine the best solution on the same, research had to be carried out to determine the cause and corresponding results of post election violence so that a common objective would be set to avert the post election violence since it had been a routine in the country. However, to ascertain the consequences of post election violence, research process should be continuous since all research outcomes had not achieved perfect solution. Electorates and the corresponding leadership require periodic research processes which corresponds to the current research study (Boulding 459). In the Bolivian history, myriad research processes had

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