Thursday, October 17, 2019

Animal Cruelty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal Cruelty - Essay Example are passive acts in which animals are left ignored due to the very absence of proper care which may harm the animal seriously, such as, starving the animal. Here, we will discuss an active act of cruelty- abuse with dairy cows in factory farming. For a dairy cow to be able to produce milk, she must give birth frequently. In today’s farming industry, the dairy cows are forcefully made pregnant by artificial insemination so that they are able to give birth to calves every year. The pregnancy duration for a cow is the same as humans, that is, nine month. Thus, giving birth every year is a very tedious job for a cow. Even after birth while the lactation is going on, insemination is done and cows are again made pregnant for the reason that they may be able to carry out producing milk and never stop. Moreover, now with the use of technological means, cows are made to produce milk much more than they can naturally. This keeps their bodies under constant stress and tension which can bring hazardous problems to their health. They are kept in â€Å"windowless sheds, wire cages, gestation crates, and other confinement systems† (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).Feeding them high energy diet, so that they can pr oduce copious quantity of milk, causes â€Å"metabolic disorders including ketosis, which can be fatal, and laminitis, which causes lameness† (Factory Dairy Production). Mastitis, Bovine Leukemia Virus and Johne’s disease are getting commoner in cattle day by day. When the production of milk is greater than the quantity of calcium made in the cows’ body, it causes calcium deficiency. Furthermore, these cows are also slaughtered for human consumption just after very few years of their lives when they can live longer in natural conditions. Newly born calves are also abused. Male calves are beaten and forcibly drawn toward slaughter houses while female calves are supposed to replace the older cows. Male calves are slaughtered also for veal production for

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