Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Types Of Films And Films Narrative Essay Example for Free

Types Of Films And Films Narrative Essay Fiction something that does not exist in real life; Contrasted with Documentary films, Fiction does not purport to deal with factual information. However, there are also Documentary-Fiction combinations like in the JFK film. In JFK, the filmmaker incorporated found footage to give it a semblance of reality.   Ask your classmates for a show of hands, who has watched JFK? Documentary Please refer to the table above for the distinctions. Ask your classmates for documentaries that they have watched and point out the devices employed by these documentaries they volunteered.   Briefly discuss how The Blair Witch Project is of the subgenre, mockumentary, to supplement the discussion in the Film Art book. Ask questions about the accuracy and reliability of documentaries. Discuss the impact of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth as a popularized documentary for the purpose of environmental advocacy. Ask your classmates if they find documentaries convincing or just bordering on propaganda? Why is Michael Moore a controversial figure? Animation Please refer to the table above for the distinctions. Ask your classmates for animated films that they have watched and point out the devices employed by these animated they volunteered.   To supplement the book discussion, mention the other concepts and subgenres under animation such as: rotoscoping technique (like in Richard Linklater’s films, Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly), Japanese anime films (Voltes V, Daimos, Princess Mononoke), Computer Graphics Interface (CGI like Finding Nemo, Happy Feet, iMAX 3D animated features) in contrast to old celluloid techniques (manually drawing and painting on celluloid sheets that are overlapped and shot frame by frame). See more: how to start a narrative essay Experimental and Avant-Garde Please refer to the table above for the distinctions. Ask your classmates for experimental films that they have watched and point out the devices employed by these experimental films they volunteered. Discuss the Japanese-American film, Eiga Zuke, or Pickled Film, through the technique employed by the filmmaker. Here, the abstract splotches were created by soaking the negative in â€Å"pickling agents† before processing it into film stock. Experimental films generally have no rules, emphasizing self-expression and exploratory techniques. Ask your classmates what kind of experimentation they would eventually like to try in their own films in the future? Defining Genres: (Mental Note: Picture S-T-E-M, Subject, Theme, Emotional Effect, Manner of Presentation) Subject: Give an example of a film with a specific subject, like a biography, the subject is the life of the protagonist.   Theme: Give an example, like a Western, where the theme is resolving conflict between law and order forces, versus outlaws, bandits or Indian communities. Distinct Emotional Effect like in Horror movies and thrillers, these are calculated to make the audience feel horrified. These films challenge the sensibilities of what the audience perceives as normal. Manner of presentation: Give an example of a film, like a Musical, where the characters clearly engage in singing and dancing to communicate aspects of the plot Always remember that Genre Mixing is common and that there are certain innovations in film that challenge the preconceived notions established in that genre. This is a reflection of the social process that includes a transforming social milieu. For example, the film Aliens, portrays Ripley as a strong feminist character who is also a caring mother. Chapter 4: NARRATIVE AS A FORMAL SYSTEM STATE: The Story-Plot distinction suggests that you want to give someone a synopsis of a narrative film, you can proceed in 2 ways: 1. Summarize the story, starting from the earliest incident which the plot cues you, then infer straight through to the end.2. Tell the plot, starting with the first incident you encountered in watching the film 3 Aspects of Narrative: (Mental Note: Picture Ca-T-S , Causality, Time, Space) Narration: the Flow of Story Information Openings, Closings and Patterns of Development Refer to the table to discuss the distinctions and cite examples from the book. In the classical Hollywood narrative, the chain of actions that result from predominantly psychological causes tends to motivate most or all other narrative events. if the characters did not desire something to be different from the way it is at the beginning of the narrative, change would not occur. Discuss a short excerpt from the Citizen Kane film and analyzes the aspects by showing them the plot segmentation in the book. Integrate all the concepts discussed so far in the Citizen Kane class discussion. Don’t forget to thank your audience after your presentation. Works Cited Bordwell, D. and Kristin Thompson. â€Å"Types of Films.† Film Art: An Introduction. Location: Publisher, Year. 42-61 Bordwell, D. and Kristin Thompson. â€Å"Narrative as a Formal System.† Film Art: An Introduction. Location: Publisher, Year. 89-113

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