Thursday, August 29, 2019

Support Learning Assessment in Pract ice (nursing) Essay

Support Learning Assessment in Pract ice (nursing) - Essay Example ust learn to exercise the discretionary authority when involved in client’s care (Oregon Department of Human Services Seniors and People with Disabilities, 2006). Diabetes educators, in collaboration with other health professional, work to enhance activities in case management to create and evaluate guidelines in clinical practice, recommend therapy changes, and reduce errors in medication (Seley, et al., 2009). Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust (2006) noted that nurses must be able to have the knowledge, skills and abilities for lawful, safe, and practice effectively with no direct supervision for them to have competent practice. Kozier, et al. (2004) noted that in teaching a student nurse how to do blood glucose test, it must be insured that the nurse practice act and the policy of the facility must be checked. It must also be determined in the procedure manual the person delegated to perform this procedure (Kozier, et al., 2004). A nurse student must be taught to determine the following before obtaining a capillary blood specimen: (1) the type of testing and frequency, (2) the understanding of the client on the procedure, and (3) the response of the client to previous testing. In obtaining blood glucose test, a nursing student must be able to determine whether the puncture site is intact and the circulation is not compromised by means of assessing the puncture site of the skin. Moreover, it is important to note that the student nurse must review the records of medication of the client that may possibly prolong bleeding time (Kozier, et al., 2004). The following are the equipments that must be used by a stu dent nurse in obtaining blood glucose: blood glucose meter, blood reagent strip, paper towel, warm cloth, antiseptic swap, disposable gloves, number 19 or 21 sterile lance, lancet injector, and cotton balls (Kozier, et al., 2004). A type of meter and instructions from the manufacturer must be reviewed and the equipment must be assembled at the bedside. It

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