Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business project management - Essay Example Includes uniqueness, multiple objectives, specific provisions, flexibility, time bound, interlinked process and well planned. They are unique as Ait uses both international and local bench markers. It also has multiple objectives to be achieved by only trained individuals responsible for managing the project thus making it have specific provision. It is also an interlinked process that follows specific steps thus making it well planned. The process is also flexible as it can be changed with time if the project objectives are not met. Has many advantages including increased concentration on specific objectives of the project, more efficient and good use of the company resources as well as making a company have a healthy competition. In addition, it increases product development, production speed and also improve team cohesion spirit Project management is an expensive venture that consumes a lot of time. Many resources both human and materials are usually needed to run the complete cycle of project management. It can also cause wrangles between the project manager and the members of the project management committee thus making the manager feel

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